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About Logan Registration

Logan Registration has provided information retrieval and records research service for over 30 years. Our customers have grown to value the individualized service and exceptional integrity of staff over the years.

Company Background

Mrs. Ina Logan (founder of the company) worked in various capacities during her long career with the Department of Motor Vehicles. After her retirement from DMV in the early 1970's, Mrs. Logan became aware of an opportunity with Crocker National Bank (now merged with Wells Fargo Bank). Crocker National Bank required a service to retrieve DMV data on loan holders and vehicles. Mrs. Logan created Logan Registration Service in order to fill this role for Crocker.

Mrs. Logan's daughter, Mrs. Joan O'Hare, joined the company in 1976. When Mrs. O'Hare joined Logan Registration Services, she brought several years experience working within DMV's Electronic Data Processing branch to the company. Mrs. O'Hare attended many conferences and met with many different business entities to gain extensive knowledge of the types of services needed by the California business community. With this knowledge she expanded the company's offering and its customer base.

Even though the company has grown over the years, our customers can still expect the same level of excellent customer satisfaction that has become Logan’s trademark. We welcome you to learn more about our business offerings by calling (916) 457-5787 or sending an email us.

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Insurance Company Client